QCITYZENS - Gianna Guidice

TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2019 - The Queen City FC's Coaching Staff has one particular player from the club in mind when the adjectives; spunk, tenacity, dedication, talented, and positive energy are used together.  Unanimously, those words are synonymous with a U11 player named Gianna Guidice, who stands half a foot shorter than most of her teammates.  When asked who her favorite soccer player was, it was no surprise she admired Mallory Pugh. “Gianna is a true player of the game. Her eagerness to learn spans on and off the field. She’s always talking about the latest Premier League game-what she learned, and how she’s going to try to put it work in the next practice or game. She’s a huge fan of Mallory Pugh, which pairs well with Gianna’s game. Her ability to use speed and skill to beat players twice her size with ease is impressive," remarked Kaylee Sullivan, a member of the 07/08 Girls Coaching Staff.

Gianna pairs her athletic ability with a high soccer IQ, which translates well to her classroom endeavors.  Other than soccer, her favorite thing to do is read.  When asked what her favorite book is, she was hard pressed to give an answer.  "Thats a hard question...all of them I guess."  After making her choose a specific favorite, Gianna was able to come up with a title that sparked her interest.  "I've been really inspired by Just Like Jackie.  It's about family, and someone who has no parents.  She is raised by her grandfather who is losing his memory.  The main character has anger issues she must overcome, but there's a great message to be your true self, and not care what other's think that I enjoyed from the book."  The ability to be your true self is something Gianna excels in, and it is noted by her coaches and teammates.  "Gianna truly embodies what it means to have 'Queen City Spirit.' Her enthusiasm at every training session and love for the game is contagious.  She is always eager to compete and learn, but always with a smile along the the way win or lose.  Her energy drives our team spirit and motivates everyone else to match her love for the game and enthusiasm for life," said Coach Aubrey of the 07/08 girls staff.  

Overall, Gianna's spirit is uplifting, whether thats on the soccer field or out in the community.  An additional activity that Gianna is proud of is her work with a local volunteer group called PREP.  She has spent many hours volunteering with the group participating in events and helping out with activities such as; singing Christmas carols at elderly homes, or running bakesales for poverty awareness. With the continuous work rate she provides, our coaching staff has no doubt she can acheive what she sets her mind to.  We sincerely hope you will get to live your dream of playing sports forever.










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